Saturday, June 22, 2019

Today Is The Longest Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I know, I know, we have this same discussion every year, darlings!  Some may consider yesterday to be the longest, but I was taught the 22nd.  Which means last night was the Shortest Night!!!!!!!!!!   I should know, because I crawled out of bed, groggy until a cup of coffee was placed in my hands, and is by my side, as I write this.

                                  We have been building to this day since December 22, meaning we are at some kind of halfway axis, which makes sense, as we swiftly come closer to the halfway point of the actual year.

                                    It's still the start of Summer, girls, so don't let the pessimists get you down by saying that, from now on, the days get a little shorter, culminating on December 22.  Not to worry; you don't really start to notice until late September, by which Summer is chronologically over, anyway.

                                      So enjoy this day by doing what you love the most.  It's the most time you will get to do it, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Happy Longest Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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