Saturday, June 1, 2019

What Better Way To Usher In June???????????????

                                I mean, hons, I AM The Raving Queen, so it is only appropriate I usher in June, commemorating 50 years of Gay Pride.  Which also, by the way, coincides with 50 years since Judy Garland's death, and my graduation from that special brand of hell called eighth grade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Yes, this is a month of anniversaries and births, so let us celebrate them all proudly.  It is interesting how, in my circle, the interesting stuff of the year happens at the halfway point, and then the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    May we see Celia get a TONY this month!

                                   And next week is TONY week on Broadway!  So, that means I have to do something special to commemorate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Welcome, June, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It should be an exciting month!

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