Monday, July 29, 2019

Darlings, I Just LOVE Laura Dern, As Renata Klein, In "Big Little Lies!" Girls, At Times, I AM Renata!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I SO relate to Renata, because I know what it is to be better than many of those around me.  I don't call it out too much, but there are times when I have.

                                    For one of my best Renata moments, hearken back to my post of December 2, 2012, (my God, that is almost seven years!!!!!!!!!) concerning our infamous holiday visit to Demarchelier, up on East 86th Street.  That will give you some idea.

                                     I have two favorite Renata moments. Let me share and discuss them, so you will better understand why I love this character.  Aside from Dern's brilliant acting.

                                      Here is the best--the scene where Renata gives it to her daughter Amabella's teacher and principal, for teaching the child about climate change by saying the planet is doomed.  I love when the principal says, "As much as it may shock you, Renata, this school is here to serve all the children, not just Amabella."

                                         Oh, no!  It is all about Amabella, and this school is there to serve her exclusively!  Just like Irving School in Highland Park, NJ, was SUPPOSED to serve me exclusively, if only my parents had had the balls like Renata to say it!  Well, I am saying it now, because Irving did not serve ME!  It was too busy catering to all the dumb kids from the wrong side of the tracks, who ended up in assembly line jobs, tract houses, secretarial pools, or garden apartments in low districts, anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Whereas I transcended all that, because first, I did not come from that environment and I fought my way, like Renata!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I rose above the mediocrity that Irving School tried to instill in me I was worthy only of.  Why doesn't the town do a favor, and tear Irving School to the ground, build a school AWAY from that district, so teachers won't resent teaching there, as they did in my Irving days?  And even when they got a bright kid, like me, they had to ignore me in favor of the dummies.  Many of the girls, upon reaching puberty, became sluts!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I say to Highland Park, get rid of this junk heap!  Which is why this is my favorite scene with Renata.  I wish someone over me had had the courage to say what Renata said to these administrators, and it brings back such personal associations for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, the toy smashing scene may not be one of my favorites, but let me explain where it is coming from.  The despicable behavior of Renata's husband, Gordon, is brilliantly captured by Jeffrey Nordling, who plays him.  Gordon is Classic American Straight Man--the dumbest kid in the class who actually made good, but is still a sexist pig, and retreats to his Man Cave.  Why Renata married him is beyond me, but why does any woman marry a man of this type?  These are guys who were breast fed by their mothers, up to the age of 14, which is why they are so fixated on women's breasts, and "JUGS" magazine (if, indeed, it still exists). And when they fight with their wives, it is they who go home to Mother, to suck wisdom from her teat!!!!!!!!  The Man Cave is to relive their dumb jock youth they never left, anyway, and they are so damn smug about it. So, when Renata, after having been bankrupt and screwed over by Gordon, who has also been fucking the nanny (!!!!!!!!)  deservedly destroys his Man Cave, and hits him in the chest, with a baseball bat,  I wish she had sent him to the hospital.  And I hope women out there, who are married to these Gordon types, rise up, and do just what Renata does!

This shows why gay men are superior to straight men!

And if there is a third season, I cannot WAIT to see what Renata does next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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