Monday, July 22, 2019

Do NOT Try This At Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            --Unless you are of a young age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Next to the iconic opening of "The Sound Of Music," the ending of the "Do Re Mi" sequecne, on the steps, is my favorite moment in the film.  As a child, when I first saw the film, I would practice and practice this on my front steps, at home.  Whenever I encountered a set of steps, I would try and do it.

                               Fifty years later, when confronted with a set of steps, I get the urge to try.  I did once at Lincoln Center, which did not turn out well,  but my recent foray was several weeks ago, while at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens.

                                I discovered I can still make the leap on the steps, forward, but not backward.  Keeping my balance upon landing proved difficult; as for running back up and down the steps, I knew it could end in me splattered out on the ground.

                                 I suppose my days of doing this are over.  And just look at Heather (Menzies), to the right of Julie.  No wonder I wanted to be her, back then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I cannot tell anyone what age they should stop.  I cannot speak for every individual on here,  But I can say this.  "The Sound Of Music" came out when the Baby Boomers were children.  Now, we are in our fifties and sixties.

                                  I think that is a good age, to stop, darlings!

                                  Otherwise, your body will make that decision for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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