Thursday, July 4, 2019

Happy Fourth Of July, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, girls, you know what to listen to, today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As always, it is a bittersweet day to me.  How vividly I recall July 4th gatherings at my parents' friends, The Lammers--whom I called Aunt Edna and Uncle Jimmy, and whose son, Marc, as my age; well, actually three weeks younger than I.  A tradition, from the time I was a baby!!!!!!!!

Those were happy times and I cherish the memories, yet at the same time I wish they were back, so I could share all this with my beloved, David.

Whatever you plan to do today, be safe, and dance up a storm--whether as Little Edie in "Grey Gardens," or Anita doing "America" from "West Side Story!!!!!!!!!!!!"

For a very different July 4th, simply have tea, with cakes and dainties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
               Here is a clip of the late Virginia Vestoff, and the still living William Daniels doing "Yours, Yours, Yours," from the original production on the 1969 TONY Awards.  This is the kind of lush romanticism that once graced the musical stage, and has now gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              And here is a clip of a medley of songs from "George M!," done by Joel Grey, on the 1974 TONY Awards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                 Have a happy 4th, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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