Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Lamb Chops, Who Is This Actor Playing This Fine, Young Man???????????????????????

                                 This is the weight lifter, on the America's Best commercial.  Now, we all love the owl, and he is the cutest, but, girls, come on, this delicious thing cannot help catching the eye. He may not be some luscious vanilla milk shake, like Colin Jost, but he is one good looking strawberry soda.

                                   But who is the actor playing him?  And why can't we see more of him?  Of course, I mean more of that body, but I also mean more of him on other ads and shows.  This kind of notice should be a breakthrough in his career, and I am proud to help!

                                     Maybe if we all worked out like him, we could look like this, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Come on, America's Best, tell us who he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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