Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Not Quite Perfect, But Fun Of A Knd, For Its Genre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      One thing I have to hand to Aimee Molloy, in this, her debut novel--I did not see the revelation coming!  At all!  I was completely floored, because, by the time of the reveal, the solution I had constructed was blown to threads.

                                         While not the most original plot, "The Perfect Mother" speaks well of the author's ability to generate tension and suspense, as well as examining all the hazards and issues that come with being a mother.  The title is ambiguous.  Outside of Mary Poppins, who is actually a nanny, is there anything such as a "Perfect Mother?"  After reading this novel, one wonders why.

                                             One also wonders why, from this novel, women have children.  Or why some choose not to.  And of those, why are they often regarded, among the maternal community of women, as pariahs?  Child birth and child rearing are purely personal and individual decisions, and in between the suspense plot Molloy constructs, she examines these issues, as well.

                                              If the writing lacks a certain compelling quality, it is because the story is told in a more leisurely fashion.  Which does not hurt the narrative, but for the reader expecting a nail biting page turner, well, then don't look here.

                                                "The Perfect Mother" is that rarity among suspense novels--one that just does not titillate, but makes the reader think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    How often does that happen, dolls???????????????????

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