Saturday, July 20, 2019

This Is The Image That Helped Redefine My Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               As stated before, fifty years ago, I was fourteen, and my life, or so I thought, was going down the toilet,  I was teased mercilessly throughout eighth grade--and some of those individuals who did so have been covered on here--and any interest I had in math or science that year,  was destroyed, thanks to the Messrs. Barber and Frankowsky.  Barber I blame the most, because I had an aptitude for numbers; I could see them in my head, and figure things out, so, had I been better taught, I might have turned out like Mary- Louise Parker's character, in "Proof."

                              Alas, those quantitative areas were a drag, so, when I came upon a paperback copy of "Valley Of The Dolls," and kept it, I would comfort myself, in between subjects, while doing homework, with the Neely sections.  Because one thing I learned from Neely--"I don't have to live by the stinking rules set out for ordinary people, because I am NOT ordinary."

                              And eighth grade and high school were nothing but.  I definitely did not belong there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              But no one grasped it.  So, I comforted myself with Neely.

                              But the back image of the book impacted me in several ways.

                              First, there was Jackie Susann trying to look her most gorgeous, showing how a stunning party gown can even overcome a plug ugly face.  I was no raving beauty, (but later became a Raving Queen!!!!!!!!!!!) though I knew I looked better than Susann.   I did NOT resemble, to quote Truman Capote, "A truck driver in drag." Which is what he said of Susann. Meow!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am surprised John Simon did not chime in, with another zinger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Then there was the book list on the back, proclaiming that Susann's book had been "number one on The New York Times Bestseller List, for 28 consecutive weeks--eight weeks longer than "The Group" (by Mary McCarthy) or "Exodus" (by Leon Uris), ten weeks more than "Peyton Place" (by Grace Metalious) or "Hawaii" (by James A. Michener), fifteen weeks more than"'Marjorie Morningstar" (by Herman Wouk)."

                                 With Jackie's image, and this "in" reading list that I was given, I was determined that I would wear great outfits, and go to great parties, and read all the "in" books.

                                   I  have, indeed, done that, and much more!  Though, I will level with you, girls--"Hawaii" is the only book listed here I have not read more than once.  Maybe I should.  But life is short, and time is rolling. I keep telling myself I will.  I mean, I have read "The Source" twice.  But I have so much to get to, before I start thinking of another re-read, unless hit by an insatiable craving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   What I crave, in this heat, darlings, is a nice, frosted Bellini!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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