Monday, July 1, 2019

"When The Parade Passes By!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                    Girls, I am telling you, if only Carol Channing had been here!

                                     The 50th Gay Pride Parade, which I attended, was the biggest in my memory.
"Look, at that crrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooowwwwwwwd, over there!"

I am telling you, girls, it was my version of Dolly Levi.  And with David, and our friends, the excursion, though it proved daunting and dehydrating, with its crowds, screams, and cheers, in what is the half year version of Christmas, or MACY's Thanksgiving Day Parade, it was fabulous!  Awash with even more color!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After writing a post on lack of color in fashion, for men, I could not complain yesterday.  Not only was there an abundance of color, but an impressive display of pulchritude.  Pecs, and boobies, everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Even the lesbian were more joyous than usual!

For one day, New York was GAY!  Everyone got along!

Remember that old TV movie, "When Every Day Was The Fourth Of July?"

If only New York could behave with Pride, every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wanted to wear this! Hell, I wish I was lithe enough, so I could!

Hope my darlings all had a Happy Pride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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