Friday, July 26, 2019


                                 There has never been a sound like this, before or since.  In the 1932 Little Rascals short, "Birthday Blues," the gang tries to make a cake for Spanky and Dick's mother, because Dad is too cheap.  It was always the men in these shorts who were evil, save for Blanche Payson, in "Dogs Is Dogs."

                                  The cake is concocted from all sorts of Little Rascals silliness.  But it will not come out right.  It emerges as a perfect square that makes a noise, and a gigantic balloon emanates from it, resembling a breast with elongated nipples.

                                    I mean, you have to see it, to believe it.  It is one of my favorites, along with th short, featuring the Wild Man Of Borneo, who chases them through the house, and says "Yum!  Yum!  Eat 'em up!"

                                     Here is the cake, and the sound!  There has been nothing like it, before or since!

                                      Back when childhood was fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. These are my two absolute favorite Little Rascals as well!

    LOVE the cake episode especially! As a kid, how I used to impatiently wait thru the whole cycle to repeat on daytime TV so I could get to see it again and again.

    OMG, that crazy cake with the rubber glove in it: "FWEEP-fwommmmm"! You just know this must have inspired a few gags on "I Love Lucy"!


  2. I think there was a "Lucy" that
    had something with a similar sound.
    But it was best used here. I
    haven't seen the episode in years,
    but I can still hear that sound,
    in my head!
