Monday, August 19, 2019

Is Subway Dancing Domestic Terrorism? I Say Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Girls, isn't it annoying enough to be minding your own business, zoning out, listening to music, or, in my case, reading, and have it interrupted by subway break dancing?

                                    To give credit where due, some are accomplished and talented, and have obviously spent much time practicing their technique.  But even under the best of circumstances, things could go wrong.  It has not happened to me, but I am sure there have been times when dancers operating within the confines of extremely limited and unprotected space have injured themselves and/or riders.  It is inevitable.

                                      This was brought to my attention recently.  David and I were on the R train, riding back to Brooklyn, when, in lower Manhattan a family, or group of friends got on, seated themselves near us, and proceeded to act as though we were not there, carrying on much too loudly, intentionally trying to provoke us, and two got up and began break dancing, and I could see right away they were amateurs; not as talented, as, say, the gentleman pictured.

                                       David ignored it all, and I buried my head in my book, having the unique ability to tune things like this out, through sheer determination of will.  Later, as I was not aware, David said he heard one of the group, say, of us, "That's why they don't like us, because we are Black."

                                          Oh, please!!!!!!!!!!!  Gimme a break!   We disliked you, first of all because you were untalented, and causing a disturbance on the train that could have resulted in several people being injured.  You were also violating boundaries by purposely seating yourselves near us--the car was hardly crowded, and acted up, because you wanted to provoke us, or anyone who might have been in our seats.   Being Black, had nothing to do with it.  Being Obnoxious--an Equal Opportunity Offender--did.

                                           Talented, or not, I agree subway break dancing, or this type of behavior is domestic terrorism.  Call me what you want; but the police should take more action, regarding such behavior.

                                            God forbid they should patrol subway cars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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