Friday, August 2, 2019

Some Cheerfulness For August! Girls, Wouldn't We All Want To Look Like Barbara Parkins, As The "Gilmore Girl," In "Valley Of The Dolls????????????????????"

                                  This montage is stunning, darlings, but the best part, which I was unable to capture for you, follows this, when Barbara, in that hair, gown, and clutching that hairspray bottle is atop a mountain only trick photography could get her on.

                                     Think just how much fun it would be, girls, to see yourselves on television atop a giant mountain.  Not to mention the royalties pouring in, each time it is aired.

                                       This was the only time in the movie I wanted to be Barbara Parkins, because, actually I am Neely.  But who could blame me, or anyone, for this one, weak moment?

                                         I am telling you, the whole thing is a work of camp art, and, after the sadness of yesterday, I decided some much needed cheerfulness was required.

                                          Here's to looking your best, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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