Thursday, September 12, 2019

Darlings, I Want To See Bonita Granville In "Beloved Brat!" Hell, I Want To BE Bonita In This Film!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          After her brilliant, Oscar nominated, dark haired turn, as Mary Tilford, in the 1936 film. "These Three," Bonita Granville was typecast as Hollywood's most malevolent child.  And she proved it with "Maid Of Salem," the following year, which was a perfect template for Arthur Miller's "The Crucible," and Bonita, restored to her blonde tresses, foreshadowed Abigail Williams!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          But, hons, you have GOT to see "Beloved Brat!"  That is ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Bonita Granville plays a wealthy girl named Roberta Moore.  Her parents, (Dolores Costello and Donald Crisp) are too busy with their lives, so she acts out, and gets sent to a school for problem girls!

                           Oh, my God!  You have got to see the scene where Roberta stands before the spinster headmistress in her underwear, saying she won't go around looking like her!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And she does not want to meet her classmates!  She does, in her undies, and my, they give her a time about her "knobby knees."  But this is a Bonita Granville film, and they won't get away with this, for long1

                           I was shocked by the sophistication of girls' juvenile underwear in the 1930's.  Was this for real?  It is amazing more girls did not end up as prostitutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           But I have to see how bratty Bonita actually is, in this!

                           And so do you, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          I can tell you, MY panties are not that couture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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