Sunday, September 29, 2019

If The Dish Ran Away With The Spoon, Was It A Gay Or Straight Relationship?????????????????

                                Maybe it was what today would be called a pan sexual relationship!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Actually, I have to wonder about the ambiguity of Mother Goose.

                               For example--

                               Why was Wee Willie Winkie allowed to ran through the town, in his nightgown?
                                   Where were his parents???????????????

                                 How did The Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe acquire all those children?
                                    Adoption?  Was she constantly knocked up?  Besides, illustrators always
                                 draw her as post menopausal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 And what is it with Mother Goose?  Another post menopausal woman, dressed
                                     in a witch's hat, using a poor goose as a broomstick, or traveling device?
                                 Where are all the animal rights activists???????????????

                                    And where the hell was Bobby Shafto headed on that raft?

                                    Mother Goose is loose, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Ride a cock horse,
    To Banbury cross...


  2. Victoria,
    How true. I always thought
    it meant a stick horse, like
    the one I had as a child.

    But how about these two fractured rhymes--

    "Little Miss Muffett, sat on a tuffet,
    Eating her curds and weigh.
    Along came a mug her, who started to hug her,
    And now she's on page 4 in The News."

    "Jack and Jill went up the hill
    To fetch a pail of water.
    Jack fell down, and broke his crown,
    And now they have a daughter!"


  3. Victoria,

    I heard these during my growing up
    years. Talk about oral tradition!
