Friday, September 27, 2019

Really An Apology And An Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I am pretty certain most of my readers know the above, and I am not apologizing for that.  I apologize for not being on here regularly, but I just HAD to see another screening of "Nashville" on Wednesday, because who knows when I will get the chance to see it on the screen again?  Then, yesterday, I met a friend I had not seen in ages, and we caught up, then went to the NYC Transit Museum, in Brooklyn, which was surreal.

                                      Lastly, writing takes such effort now, not because I don't love it, I do--but these antihistamines the doctor has me on just knock me out, and I don't see him, till November.  So, bear with me, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I feel your pain.
    It is an intense fatigue.


  2. Victoira,
    Thank you. It really is drainng.
    I have to see the allergist in
    November, and if he decides, I have
    to be weaned off this.
