Thursday, September 5, 2019

What The Hell Is This, Girls?????????????????????

                                    I mean, is it a man?  In drag?  A woman, pretending to be Divine?  A man doing the same thing?  A tranny?  One thing I will say for White Trash; at least they are honest about who and what they are.  They make no apologies.  I have to hand it to them, there.

                                    This is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                                    Her name is Heather Garica, of Utah, who was picked up in Farmington, north of Salt Lake City.  She was caught impersonating her 21-year-old daughter, Mercedes, so the girl would avoid another traffic charge.

                                    The obstruction of justice is one thing.  The stupidity is another, and what makes this stand out as a fun Bitch Of The Week.

                                    Did this haggard THING think she could get away with impersonating a twenty- one- year old?   Isn't the make-up a little over done?  Instead of making her younger, it ages her into a down and out truck stop prostitute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      This is the most hilarious Bitch column I have done all her?  Whom is she kidding?

                                        The daughter may be guilty, but you know what?  I feel sorry for her.   This photo has gone viral, and the poor daughter has to live with her mother's delusional idea.

                                          If Heather in not the dumbest Bitch Of The Week, ever, she comes pretty damn close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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