Wednesday, September 4, 2019

You Can Skip This One, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Chip Cheek....I mean, what kind of name is that?  Definitely made up, and with good reason. If I had written this pile of crap, I would want to be anonymous, too.  This is Mr. Cheek's first novel, and I would be greatly surprised if there was a second.

                                      And some of the critics...comparing it to "The Great Gatsby," or John Cheever!  Give me  a break.

                                      The only purpose it will serve is for pubescent boys to jerk off over the more lurid portions.

                                       Which brings me to something else!  Is Cheek some closet case?  Sure, he has a wife and daughter, but who knows?  The book is so full of lurid straight sex, that gay men, who flock to Cape May itself, will run from this book.

                                           The novel has as little to do with Cape May, NJ as my watching "The Song Of Bernadette" has with my being a saint.  I am not, OK?

                                            The novel is only 248 pages, so I was not expecting a Michneresque historical account, though that is what I would have loved.  Certain streets and locales are generally referenced, but the novel gives you no flavor of the place because all it concerns is a honeymoon couple, named Henry and Effie (a white Southern gal, not the tragic figure of "Dreamgirls!) who get roped into sexual shenanigans with a hedonistic couple made up of Clara (a friend of Effie's cousin, Holly!) and Max and teen aged Alma, who are half siblings,

                                              Henry proves himself a pig by cheating on Effie with teen aged Alma, but one's sympathy for her goes out the window, when a sex party involving all reveals her to be engorged on Mack's humongous cock, and writhing back and forth on it, in a style unseen since Miriam writhed before the golden calf!

                                                 Then everyone packs up, and leaves the next day.

                                                  And one chapter covers the next fifty years of their marriage, complete with children, and infidelities along the way.  Great!  Who cares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  A poster on Amazon said to label this book "trash" would be a compliment.  I could not agree more.

                                                   It may be both the most disappointing and worst book of the year.

                                                   And 2019 is not done, yet!

                                                   Look for this one to be remaindered, real fast.

                                                   Mr. Cheek, or whomever you are, what kind of idiot gave you the idea you are a writer???????????????

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