Saturday, October 12, 2019

And, Then, Some Of You Tell Me There Is No Such Thing As White Trash?????????? Hah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 These two pieces of garbage, poor excuses for human beings, are  Jason Paul Robin, Jr. and Katherine Wyndham White.  They are the winners of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, girls, and they are two reasons why some parents should not have children!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Since Baby Jazmine, as the child was called, was born on July 3, 2018, she was subjected to physical abuse by these two.  Within two weeks after her birth, she was taken to the hospital with injuries.  She was inflicted with heavy head trauma and 96--yes--fractures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   She went to the hospital on July 14, 2018, when her body went limp.  The following day, she died!  A two week infant!  Or 15 days, to be exact!

                                     Those fifteen days were Hell for this child.  And Hell is where these two bitches are headed.

                                      They are from Houston, Texas.  I am sorry if it seems I denigrate this state, but it seems to do it well enough, on its own!

                                        The parents were arrested.  They should get the death penalty, or LWOP!

                                         Birth control exists for a reason. So, why are some people too dumb to use it???????????

                                          Look what happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Ugly, degenerate pigs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I do remember seeing Texas on a list of Worst child abuse states recently.
    Massachusetts and a Mississippi were on there too.


  2. Victoria,

    I am not surprised by any of it.
    I would not set foot in any of those states!

  3. I think they should have to listen to a screaming baby every hour of every day for the rest of their lives. The cells should be wall papered with autopsy pictures of that baby. Hopefully they really do treat child killers terribly in prison. Because both of them deserve to be the bitches of some really horrible people.


  4. The Deep End Of Shallow,
    I am with you all the way.
    People like these should not
    have children. And prevention
    is out there!
