Friday, October 18, 2019

Belated Bitch Of The Week Disrespects Pussy Of Any Type!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    This story really got to me, darlings.  There is my friend, Nicholas, at the health food store, Apple Tree, here in Bay Ridge, and I just love him.  He gives me winks kisses, and always lets me pet him, because I handle him so gently,  When he feels my touch, he looks up, knows it's me, gives me a wink, and rests again.

                                       There is also another cat, farther South, in Stockton, New Jersey, whom I am worried about.  It has been months since I have seen a picture of him, and would love to see more.  My fear is Peanut has run off--he did not look too happy in the picture--or worse, is being forced to work the kitty trade to make money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Now, the winner of this week's Bitch Of The Week is Aaron Spaulding.  He lives in Mexico, and was arrested for battering his girl friend, and choking the cat, and feeding it meth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             What?????????????????   You heard me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Let me say, at risk of being attacked, it is the cat I am more concerned with.  I don't care one whit about the girl friend.  She made her choice to live with this 39-year-old, drug addicted loser, so she knew what she was in for.  She is probably some white trash slut, drug addicted loser, herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                She had choices. She made bad ones.  The poor cat had no choices.

                                                 Spaulding was arrested on June 3, 2019.  The cat survived--good news!!!!!!!!!!!--and has been placed in a loving home.  The girl friend--who cares?  Anyone on the street will do, for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Now, what about Peanut?????????? Is he OK???????????????


  1. You’re so right, the cat IS more important

  2. My turkish angora long hair cat named Octavian (but will only answer to the name Puss) is a screaming cat queen. I like him far more than the majority of humans including the one I live with and have sex with once a year. If the house catches on fire, its me and Puss and Cery (cocker spaniel). Although in saying that, Puss would probably be happier if I left Cery inside to burn. No one disrespects my pussy, my puss or my pooch. Thank you for reminding the world, feline lives matter !

  3. Victoria,
    Thank you for saying that. I am not justifying
    domestic violence, but the woman had choices and
    options that the cat did not. As Blanche Du Bois
    said, "Deliberate cruelty is unforgivable." What
    he did to that cat is the best example of her line.


  4. The Deep Line Of Shallow,
    I am with you on Octavian and Cera.
    What kind of people treat animals like
    garbage? They bring so much comfort
    and love to us, and deserve all we can
    give back to them. The cat in my post
    had no choices or options. But the
    girlfriend did, and was dumb enough
    not to take advantage of them.
    So I feel sorry for the cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
