Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween, From Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Isn't he cute, girls?  He almost resembles our own Baby Gojira, because he is wearing almost the same witch hat.  But our Baby Gojira is soft and fuzzy, whereas this one looks scaled.

                                But our lovable reptile friend wants to wish one and all a very Happy Halloween.  He is especially concerned about the children being safe, and not eating too much candy.  He wants fun for all on this night, not tragedy.

                                 As I do for all my readers.  Personally, we are staying in to watch something holiday appropriate, but I have not decided what, yet.

                                    So march out there and get treats, not tricks!

                                    Gojira sends his love.  Isn't that sweet????????????????


  1. Do you like The Poseidon Adventure??
    That was my first Scary movie.


  2. Victoria,

    I saw it when it first came out.
    Remarkable special effects, but
    what impressed me the most was
    Shelley Winters actually swimming
    under water!
