Thursday, October 3, 2019

One More Month To See Celia's Defining Performance, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Sad as it is for me to report, Celia Keenan-Bolger, and most of the original cast of "To Kill A Mockingbird," at the Shubert, on Broadway, will play their last performance November 3, which is a Sunday.

                               Get thee there fast, darlings, to miss this lifetime gem of a performance!

                               While some of the minor characters will move up to other roles,  most of the principles will leave.  Only the actress playing Mayella Ewell is staying.

                                   I don't even want to talk about the replacements, except to say the one taking over for Celia looks far too mature, and not gifted enough, to do what the role requires.

                                    Is this a mass exodus, or was any choice offered, here?

                                    After all, Patty Duke played "The Miracle Worker" on Broadway, for two years.  And Patty McCormack did the entire sixteen month run of "The Bad Seed."

                                     Celia should stay on .  She is the show's drawing card, and I just want to remind folks, because I remember, what happened when Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick left "The Producers."  Those in charge said the show would carry on, but it never did.  Not like when Nathan and Matthew were in it.

                                       Same with Celia.  Once she leaves, the show will plummet.

                                        I wish Celia a new show to see her unveil her gifts in.

                                        But to this theatergoer, she will always be Scout Finch, onstage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!