Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sleepy Hollow....What A Charming Little Enclave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Several Saturdays back, David and I, plus our neighbors, Dan and Jennifer, drove up to Sleepy Hollow for its library book sale.  I was disappointed not to see the headless horseman, as shown here, but I have to tell you I came away with one real gem, and two books I had been intending to read.  All for three dollars each.

                              But the town!  It is a charming little enclave, but so hilly!  I am telling you, these Westchester communities can be deceptive.

                                There was this bar where we thought we could get a burger too, but all they served was drinks,  As we quenched our thirst, we saw the town's underbelly--girls, who think nothing of walking down the street like tramps!  A troop of tramps!  There was this one, dark haired miss. using a sweater as a dress, only not very well, because, with a slit to the side, her panties could clearly be seen!  Black, with white background.  In public!  No decency!  Next stop for this one is reform school, not Miss Porter's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I am telling you!  Public panties!!!!!!!!!!!  What is the world coming to???????

                                    Further on down was a place where we ate and drank, even though it meant walking up a large hill.  We spotted a furniture store, where Jennifer saw a piece she just had to have, and it has been delivered.

                                    I don't recall a bookstore, but none was there, or what was did not impress me. The town library certainly did, though.  No urban rat trap!

                                      Since we were practically adjacent to Tarrytown, I had the feeling there would be a college nearby; the community had the feel of a college town!  If anyone out there knows anything, please tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I did buy a Penguin Washington Irving collection, as, for all my literacy, I have never read him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         And not all the folks are like tramps!  Take a look here!
This is the REAL Sleepy Hollow, darlings!  Lots of friendly folk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. They say he’s tired of his flaming top
    He’s got a yen to make a swap
    So he rides this time each year
    To find a head in the hollow here


  2. Victoria,
    I love the writing! Maybr
    I will read it this evening!
