Friday, October 4, 2019

The Murder Of Brittney Gregory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     The saddest thing about this story, girls, was Brittney was in a real good position, to do something about herself.  Raised in Brick Township, New Jersey, she came from trash.  Where was the mother--out selling drugs, or being a truck stop prostitute, which is a popular profession in Jersey--and her father was a no good drug addict, who hang out with trash.

                                       So, it was going in and out of the house, all the time.  How Brittney managed to do the work, and get the grades she got in school is amazing.  She had the capacity to leave trash, and boy, did she want to.

                                       Not to mention her sister, Bobbie Jo (not since "Petticoat Junction" have I heard that name!!!!!!!!!!) was going out with bad boy druggies, so Brittney was truly mired in trash.

                                         She latched on to it, with her friend John Fitzgerald, a Black Irish piece of trash if there ever was one.  But he was the first of two mistakes she made.

                                          Shortly before the July 11, 2004 disappearance, she and John had broken up.  That night, she walked through some nearby woods, leading to John's house, hoping to make up with him.  She should have left the scum in his own filth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Brittney went missing after that.  A year later, one of her father's druggie friends, Jack Fuller, Jr. confessed to picking up Brittney in his car, offering her a ride in his car.  The girl had no reason to fear him, but she was wrong,   He sexually assaulted her, and buried her body near an electric tower, a typical Jersey landmark.

                                               Now, Fuller is in for life, her sister is probably turning truck stop tricks, and her father is an addled, drug addicted loser.

                                                Poor Brittney.  She was smart enough to know she was from trash, and had to get out--she wanted to be a forensic scientist-- but she made the mistake of not completely disengaging.

                                                   Sometimes trash can rise, girls!  But it takes determination, and you have to disengage--cut yourself off from all around you.

                                                     Had Brittney done just that, she would have been that forensic scientist today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Our hearts without God are desperately wicked...
    And even WITH God we’re not so good sometimes...


  2. Victoria,
    The saddest thing about
    Brittney is the potential she had,
    and she TRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
