Monday, October 7, 2019

"The Old Man's Sleeping! Sleeping In His Easy Chair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       This not the picture I was looking for.  During my early childhood years, I remember a Max Fleischer cartoon, where a 30's chorus sings "Ain't We Got Fun."  Images flash before the viewer, and when they arrive at the titular lyric, a character is shown.  That is what I was trying to find, lambs, but this is the closest I got.

                                         The point of it all, these days, with me turning 65 next month, I am feeling more and more like the old man, sleeping in his easy chair.  I do have an easy chair, where I do most of my reading, but there are times when I just have to put that book down, and rest.  And then I doze off.

                                            "Calves foot jelly, fill our belly./ Ain't we got fun?"


  1. The big six-five!
    Are you tired of all the Medicare solicitation!!


  2. Victoria,

    I sure am! Does it ever stop?
