Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Time To Welcome A New Reader, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             My God, darlings, it has been six days, since I have been on here, due to a lot of backstage drama, which I will eventually get to, and now I find my follower indicator is at 98, which means we have a new reader! Her name is Theresa O'Keefe, and to her, I say, welcome!  I always loved the name Theresa!

                               I hope you find the content on here informative and entertaining.  As I tell everyone, reading this blog goes great with coffee, which is never far from me, when I am writing.

                               A proper introduction would not be complete, without the blog's unofficial theme song.  So, here it is---Deborah Harry, singing "Call Me!"

                               Enjoy and welcome, Theresa.  I wish you many hours of entertainment on this blog.

                                 And comments are welcome, anytime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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