Monday, October 21, 2019

We Have A New Reader, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Yesterday, girls, I noticed the follower indicator was up to 97, which means a new reader has joined us.  Her name is Alison Weyen Martin, and, on behalf of all my girls, and myself, welcome!!!!!!!!!!!   Alison, I have no idea how you found your way here, but I am glad you did.

                                I hope this blog can provide you with info and entertainment.  Remember, it goes great with coffee.

                                 And once I get more energy there will be even more posts, coming, in the future.
Especially as the year begins to wind down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  So, Welcome, Alison!  No welcome on here would be complete, without the following--The blog's unofficial theme song, Deborah Harry's "Call Me!"


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