Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Celebrity Bitch For Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   When she played Casey Novak, ADA, on "Law And Order, SVU," her character was righteous and impassioned.  Who knew Diane Neal would carry these traits to such extremes?  Her foray into politics was not really a surprise; bigger celebs than she have tried and succeeded; let us not forget Shirley Temple's political career was almost as big as her film career, though it was the last that got her the political jobs, and what she will always be remembered for.

                                    So, I was a little surprised when I read, this week about Diane Neal going after her ex boyfriend, a la Alex Forrest.  But when I read that she threatened to kill the guy's dog, Charlie, whom she also must have had a relationship with, and in front of the guy, making him watch, I knew she had gone around the bend.  Frankly, she can do what she wants with the ex, but going after his dog?

                                      When I heard that, I knew Diane had gone to the Bitch Side.  Which is why she is this week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!

                                        Actually, this shouldn't have surprised me.  Because, long before she played Casey, in the 2001 episode, "Ridicule," she played Amelia Chase,  a member of an autoerotic asphyxiation group--those who were into this, and addicted--who raped an stripper by this method, and murdered one of their girl friends, who was going to turn them in.  She was some cool baddie, and if one goes back, and watches Diane in this, the aforementioned may not be as surprising as at first.

                                         But then she also dissed her former 'SVU' co-stars, saying they were all awful people, except for Ice-T.  I am sure she is just being a bitch here; I cannot imagine Chris Meloni, Dann Florek, and others as awful.  But I am not surprised when she described Mariska Hargitay as a "total bitch."  Diane, you got that one right!  Miss Holier Than Thou Show Control Queen Hargitay has Dick Wolf by his balls, and has let the show become "All About Benson."  Though I have noticed some letting up on this in the current season, with others, besides Benson, getting the final film shot.
But, while I despise Diane for threatening a dog kill, I am sure she is spot on about Mariska.

                                           Which makes her more of a bitch.  Anyone who would diss their co-stars is uncaring, or willing to kiss their career goodbye.

                                              Bye, Bye, Diane.  Remember Ned Beatty?  He did the same thing, when he dissed his Broadway players in 2,003's revival of "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof."

                                                He has not been heard from, since!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I just read a transcript of her ranting.
    A dangerously unstable individual.


  2. Victoria,
    I had no idea she was so unstable.
    No wonder I always preferred Stephanie March!
