Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Post Of Thanks To Sister Camille D'Arienzo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Several weeks ago, in one of her October radio commentaries, on Sunday morning, Sister Camille mentioned having recently celebrated her birthday, the actual date of which she has never revealed.  And that is fine.

                                         David and I thought, as devoted listeners, it would be nice to send her a card, showing our congratulations on reaching another year, and appreciation for the inspiration her broadcasts give us.

                                          And so we did.

                                          This week, to my surprise, what should I find in our mail box, but a note from....Sister Camille D'Arienzo.    She took the time and thought to send us a gracious thank you note for our card, saying it added blessings to our day.

                                            As do you to ours, Sister Camille.  Thank you so much.  We love you,
and will continue to listen to those broadcasts!

                                             And Baby Gojira sends his love, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. This broken world needs more Sister Camilles.


  2. Victoria,
    Indeed it does, but how lucky we are
    to have Sister Camille!
