Monday, November 18, 2019

Darlings, I've A Feeling I'm Not 64, Anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               That is right; today is my birthday, and I am now 65.  I mean, I turn 65 on this day, and consider myself that already, but my birth time was 11;45 PM, so, if one wants to get technical, which I don't, then I am not 65, till then.

                                Remember that song Samantha Eggar sang in 1967's "Doctor Dolittle?"  "Here I stand, at the crossroads of life." Childhood behind me, the future to come.?  "Nothing planned, at the crossroads of life.  But life may find me more grateful than some?"

                                How that last line resonates!  I truly am grateful for all the things I have seen and experienced.  A few regrets, but not many.

                                 I am now a Senior Citizen, and so glad I lived to be one!  The path is stretched out, and, as long as I have David to help me along the way, I will be looking forward to what is considered the last stage of this journey!

                                  But let's not get maudlin!  There is celebratin' to be done!
Happy Birthday, to all on this day!  Especially those turning 65!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. happy birthday Michael many more good years ahead im trying to join your blog so you hit 100 but something is wrong help best to david

  2. Victoria,

    Now I feel really comforted!


  3. Bogieme2,

    Norman, is that you? How is Joe?
    Thanks for the wishes, and for trying.
    David says when I reach 100, we are going
    to have a party! Will let you know!
