Thursday, November 21, 2019

Just Take A Look At These Two Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                The winners--yes, there are two--of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award are Liam McAtasney, pictured left, and his friend/roommate Preston Taylor, on the right.  The girl in the middle is who they murdered--friend, classmate, and in Taylor's case, prom date, Sarah Stern!

                                  Can you imagine?  How sick are these bastards??????????????????????

                                   But first, let me say something about Neptune City, NJ.  I was born and raised in the Garden State, and, hitherto, had never heard of it. But, after seeing this story on Paula Zahn's ID show, I have to say--beware of picturesque small towns, for who knows what evil lurks there?

                                      Sarah was smart.  She had goals.  She wanted to get the hell out of there, and it is too bad she did not, on her terms.  McAtasney and Taylor were just dumb Jersey jocks who were content to remain in town, as slackers.  They might have done better if they had fucked each other.

                                         There is no excuse for what these pieces of scum did.

                                          Liam and Sarah grew up together.  He knew her mother had died, when she was young, and had left her some money, said to be $50K.  For years he dreamed of having this money, and six months prior to when she went missing, on December 2, 2016, he planned out how he was going to get it.

                                            Except, poor greedy thing, when he took the unsuspecting Sarah to her safety box to retrieve the money, which she was going to use to get out of town, and start a new life, it turned out to be only $10K, and he was so enraged!  Hey, it would have been more than enough to get Sarah out of there.

                                               She never had a chance.  Because, when Sarah got home, Taylor was waiting.  McAtasney strangled her to death, and then the two tied her up, drove to a nearby bridge, and threw her body off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Sarah's father was grief stricken.  Dumb Liam even offered concern and help in the search; the sicko!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Meanwhile, Jeremiah Taylor, was doing everything he could to obstruct justice by covering up traces of his son's involvement!

                                                    I have something to say to the citizens of Neptune Township, New Jersey!  What kind of shit hole do you live in, and what kind of shits are you?  Had this been Camden, or Patterson, well, that's just the way it is.  But something evil pervades your town.

                                                    Well, those two are in the hole.  I hope they get raped, which is what Preston wanted from Liam!  Have fun, boys!  Too bad your father, Jeremiah, was not charged with you, Preston!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       Neptune City?  More like Satan Town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Victoria,
    Despite what is said about the
    Midwest, take from one raised in Jersey--
    it is one of the conformist capitals of
    the US. And it has a high percentage
    of slackers who never leave their home
    town, and/or live with their parents for
    life. I never drank that Kool Aid!


  2. Victoria,

    There certainly is something unsettling about my
    home state. From the oil refineries known as
    Cancer Alley, to "Friday The !3th!"

    And yet, it is called the Garden State?
    What a joke!
