Thursday, November 14, 2019

Life Imitates Art, With This Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I really must apologize, darlings, as I haven't posted a Bitch Of The Week column now, for two weeks.  At the time, things were very busy in my post blog life, and I just could not find anyone interesting enough for the column.  I knew I soon would, and so I have.

                           Remember the 2009 film "Orphan?"  My God, I cannot believe it was ten years ago!
It featured child actress Isabelle Fuhrman as Esther; the film's tag line was "There's something wrong with Esther."  Of course, I thought she was another variation on Rhoda Penmark in "The Bad Seed," but actually she turned out to be something more deadly--a 33-year-old woman, with glandular issues, who could masquerade as a child.  So, when the viewer discovers this, and thinks back to Esther, wreaking vengeance on the class bully, it becomes a tricky legal matter--an adult is actually assaulting a child, but how does one prove it?

                             As a child, Isabelle did a great job.  Except for the seduction scene, where she comes down the stairs and tries to seduce her foster father, (played by Peter Sarsgaard)  dressed as some night club tramp out of a touring company of "Sweet Charity," the film veers into camp.  Isabelle gives a great portrayal of an adult imitating a child, because she IS a child, in the film.  But to see her imitate adult sexuality is a real howler.  The filmmakers should have thought this one through.

                               Now, for The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, this week, here is Natalia Barnett, a real life "Orphan."  She is said to be 33, but is claiming to be in her teens.

                                She claims she was 6-years-old when she came from the Ukraine, sometime in 2010.  She was adopted by Kristine and Michael  Barnett, who lived in Florida, at the time.  Perfect place to raise a child psycho, grifter, or whatever she is.

                                   Natalia actually does suffer from dwarfism.  Even upon adoption, the Barnetts doubted her age, thinking her 20.  The adoptive couple felt suspicious and endangered of their daughter, and moved to Canada, physically abandoning her, but setting her up in an apartment of her own, for a year.

                                       Question for the Barnetts--if you thought the girl close to 20, or thereabouts, why did you adopt her, in the first place?????????  Not good judgment on your part, guys!

                                     This bitch claims she is 16.  As I said, Isabelle Fuhrman could pull it off, because she WAS a child.  The photo of Natalia projects youth, but not that young a youth.  More like young adult--early to mid-20's youth.

                                       I wonder about these pubescent masquerading grfiters.  I get they want to be taken care of--I mean; who doesn't?  But think rationally--which I guess they don't????--if one is really an adult, why would one want to repeat an experience like high school?  I mean, if one had never been, or not graduated, there is always the GED.  But to go through high school a second time?
You couldn't pay me; unless I could go back in time, and do it , the way I am now!

                                         Not that I would be "Carrie."  But I certainly would not be as mild mannered, as I was, then!

                                         Who could imagine life would imitate art?  How many more of these child scammers are out there?

                                            And, readers, who may have been afraid I was abandoning Bitch Of The Week--are you kidding, darlings???????????????


  1. Those poor parents were charged with Felony Child Neglect.


  2. Victoria,

    Now that is interesting. How can
    they be charged with child neglect,
    if she actually is not a child?

  3. Well, apparently the adoptive dad told authorities that he believed she was a minor at the time.
    When they moved to Canada.
    It’s just weird, in so many ways.
