Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Most Disappointing Episode Of "AHS 1984," Thus Far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   And with just one episode remaining, darlings--entitled, of course, "The Final Girl"--this episode will require more wrap up and resolution than most previous seasons.  Maybe this one had run a little longer.

                                   There has been so much hype about the music festival, that I thought this past week was going to be a bloodbath.  And that Margaret would get hers.  Which had better happen next week.

                                    Instead there was more concern with Donna, Brooke and Montana, running about, bemoaning their fate.  No wonder the poetic, picture perfect pullback shot of Lavinia (Lily Rabe, marvelous as always) being reunited with her children, especially Bobby, was the single best moment in the show.  And thanks to the marvelous John Carroll Lynch.

                                     This segment was not able to hold my interest.  With Mr. Jingles' story now put to rest, I could care less about Ramriez, though I was glad to see the killing of Bruce (Dylan McDermott).

                                        Titled, "Rest In Pieces," this seemed to be a way of clearing a path of destruction for next week.  If the Music Fest Massacre does not happen, I will be furious.  Ditto if Margaret goes free

                                          But I am betting on Brooke being the Final Girl.


                                          The other genre rule here is if there is a sequel to the first slasher pic, then the Final Girl in that film is first to be killed, in the second.

                                            So, there could be an interesting twist.

                                             See you next week, kiddies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Victoria,
    Actually, the title was
    the episode's one spark
    of originality Because
    in 1982 there really was
    a movie called "Pieces."
    It has to be seen to be

  2. "Pieces" was the single most profitable VHS tape in video rental stores that year. Kinda tells you something about the secret mentality of the viewing public. Esp in Ridgewood, Queens: the store I worked in there went thru at least a dozen copies of that movie, as it wore out from repeat rentals. The only other tape that came close to renting that often was "Debbie Does Dallas", which come to think of it would go out with the same customers renting "Pieces" for a long weekend of... I refuse to contemplate what.


  3. My Dear,
    First thanks for the 'Aunt Alice' DVD. I look forward
    to watching it. If I recall correctly, it ends on a note
    of irony. There is some object, or papers that Geraldine
    Page had all along which made what she did unnecessary in
    the first place.

    Now, "Pieces"--I am not surprised. Even I was half
    repulsed by the concept. As for "Debbie Does Dallas," never
    saw it, but it IS the perfect double bill for sex sick psychos
    still living in Mama's basement. And Mama, of course, resembles
    Anne Ramsey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
