Thursday, November 14, 2019

"There's Gonna Be A Revolution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                               Girls, I am telling you, the Beatles were right.  And the onslaught of turkeys in Toms River, New Jersey, proves it.

                                But my first question is--why would the turkeys choose Toms River????????????

                                 I have to hand it to these birds!  They are not going to exploited in the month of November, which is when all turkeys tremble!  These birds are not going to end up on anyone's platter, comes Thanksgiving Day, and they want this town to know it!

                                   I actually applaud them!  Especially since, on our front door, we have a turkey decoration, which clearly shows it has attitude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Here's a fact, girls--had my mother not passed in 1979, and lived to my father's retirement, Toms River was where they were planning to go.  Even if they had, I think they might have missed the turkey onslaughts, which have only happened in recent years.

                                      To the turkeys and Toms River, I have only two words of advocacy to say--

                                      "Gobble!   Gobble!"


  1. Oh yeah, wild turkeys are even worse than wild geese lol
    For aggression
    You have to admire their eff off attitude


  2. Victoria,
    And here I thought turkeys
    were so cute. The one decorated
    on our front door definitely
    displays attitude!
