Sunday, November 17, 2019

Time To Welcome A New Reader, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  The follower indicator now reads 99, meaning it is time to welcome a new reader.  So let us all give a warm welcome to Alison Weyen Martin.  Glad you found your way onto here, Alison, and hope you enjoy the reverence and humor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    As I tell everyone, this blog goes great with coffee, which is always by my side, when I am writing.  Maybe the caffeine fuels my crazy creativity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    So welcome to our little coffee klatch, Alison!  Feel free to drop in, and comment, anytime.

                                     No welcome would be complete, without this blog's unofficial theme song!

                                     Here it is--Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!