Friday, November 1, 2019

Well, Here We Are, Dears.....November!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And, for me personally, it is a month of gratitude, not only for all that I have, but for what lies ahead.  My birthday is on the 18th, and I will become a....Senior Citizen!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Can you believe it?  I mean, where has the time gone, darlings??????????????

                                      But with this month also comes Musical Theater Week, Thanksgiving, the parade, the start of the Holiday Season, my birthday, and other events!  This is an event filled month!

                                      And don't forget those book lists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Plans are already in gear for my birthday. One will take place this coming Monday, and it should be a hoot!  You will get a full report, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I am so lucky to have been born in this month!  So many I admire were!

                                         So let's have a wonderful November, readers!

                                         Like the song says, "It's Turkey Lurkey Time!"


  1. Yikes remember when “senior” meant high school or college


  2. Victoria,

    How well I do! Back then, I could
    not wait! But this is so different.
    was faster getting here than I ever
    thought it would be!
