Monday, November 25, 2019

Why Is The New York Times Screwing Its Serious Readers, This Year???????????????????????????

                                     You know the drill, darlings!  For years, sometime around mid to late November, The New York Times publishes its list of the "100 Most Notable Books Of The Year."  From this batch, five fiction and five non-fiction selections will be made, and thus will emerge "The Ten Best Books Of The Year."

                                       What happened to 2019????????????????

                                         This past Friday, The Times published "The 10 Best Books Of 2019."  I will not get into what they are--that is for another post--except to say I have read two of them, have two others waiting to be read, and need to buy a fifth title.

                                           But where is the "100 Most Notable Books List" this year?  All the fun of looking over the 100 titles, wondering what The Times will pick, against one's own selections we have now been deprived of.  Even if they publish it now, what will be the point?

                                              Did the paper agree to terminate the 100 list?  If so, why?  And, more importantly, how about letting its readership know??????????????

                                                What is going on, over at The New York Times?  If anyone can find out, or knows, please feel free to comment on here.

                                                  When I read The Times selections, I will discuss them, and post mine!

                                                   Some of us out there STILL care about books!  And those who write them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Hey, Ronan!  Ronan Farrow!  Can you find out what is going on?

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