Saturday, December 28, 2019

Here Is Book #103 For 2019!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     This book has been on my periphery for the past six years, but I finally happened upon a copy in early Fall, at the Sleepy Hollow Book Fair, in Westchester!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Not only is this novel Catholic with a capital C, but it is also Irish Catholic--the most unforgiving and unyielding sect of the faith there is.

                                         It has everything--two sisters, Nora and Theresa Flynn, who comes from Ireland, to make new lives for themselves in America.  Remember the Olivia De Havilland film, "To Each His Own" (which won Olivia her first Oscar)?  The same thing happens--Theresa gets knocked up, and Nora and her husband, Charlie, agree to take and raise the child, while Theresa goes into a cloistered convent, where she transitions as Mother Cecilia.  Nora and Charlie raise Theresa's child, Patrick, and have other children of their own--a pretentious, elitist politico named John, a lesbian daughter--oh, my God!  In an IRISH CATHOLIC FAMILY????--who has a partner named Natalie, and--get this-- a pit bull named Rocco.  And a down and out former ball player, named Brian.  So many Irish names, so where the hell did Rocco come from?????????????????

                                          Every issue is covered--bar fights, abortions, funeral arrangements, church attendance versus not, clutching the Rosary, the Miraculous Medal, the vision of Saint Margaret--just about everything Catholic is crammed into this book which I found compelling.

                                            And yet, at its simplest, it is the story of the Flynn sister, who are torn apart!  Will they ever reconcile?  And what changes might that create?  For the answers you simply have to read this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            For Catholics, darlings, it is required!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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