Thursday, December 12, 2019

Just Look At This Piece Of Trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Kimberly Nelligan, this week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, says she had no intention of hurting her baby daughter.

                                    I am not buying that, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    This woman, 33, but looks older, from drug use, is an insult to the state of Maine.  In order to quiet her 1 year old daughter, Jordynn, she rubbed heroin--you heard me!!!!--all over the child's gums.

                                      The child did not just go to sleep.  She died.  From, according to the examiner, "acute fentanyl intoxication."

                                         It would not take a large does for an infant to OD.  Even if this bitch was too stupid to understand that, it does not excuse using the hardest of drugs on her baby!

                                         Her outcome was too lenient--she was first dismissed, with no contact with her father or with minors, in general, and only marijuana as a drug.

                                           She was due back in court, on other charges, a month ago, and I certainly hope the book was thrown at her?

                                             The woman committed the most heinous of crimes--infanticide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               How could she not do jail time for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               The rotten bitch!  She makes Lucretia McEvil come off as a saint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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