Monday, December 23, 2019

Leave It To Me, To Combine Judaisism And Christianity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Of course, last night was the first one of Hanukkah, so David and I lit the candles, with Baby Gojira looking on, in his stylish Christmas outfit.  This followed an annual Hanukkah get together with friends at Chris' restaurant, a Polish place somewhere in Brooklyn, at 86th Street and 18th Avenue.  The address number is 1866!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But then, but then!
We took a ride through Dyker Heights, and saw all the wonderful houses. I told David that, next year, we are going to have the company that does these houses decorate our front door.  This is a great house, but my favorite is the one with the whirling merry-go-rounds on both sides.

All the holidays, in one felt swoop--Hanukah and Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happiness, to one and all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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