Thursday, December 19, 2019

Let Us Welcome A New Reader, During The Holiday Season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I saw the follower indicator was at 102, the other day, and, girls, I simply could not believe it.  I was not able to identify our newest reader on here, but I want to bid her welcome on behalf of everyone on here, and myself.

                                    Reading this blog, as I always say, goes great with coffee, which is always by my side, when I am writing.  And comments are always welcome, so please feel free to drop in, anytime.

                                      Hope you find the writing on here entertaining and informative.

                                      And now for the blog's unofficial theme song--
 Deborah Harry, singing "Call Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       Welcome, and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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