Thursday, December 5, 2019

This "Konga" Bitch Was An Animal Killer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             When I saw the 1961 film "Konga," for the first time, I was so upset.  The climactic moment of the film features a gigantic ape shrinking until the remains of sweet chimpanzee lie on the ground.  I cried buckets over this.

                                The whole thing was instigated by that bitch, Margaret, played by Margo Johns. Margo was the lab assistant to Dr. Charles Decker, and was secretly in love with him.  But, hey, he had the hots for Sandra, and look at Margaret; she is some cold fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Margaret had known Konga from when he was a cute chimp to an amiable simian.  She decided to get even, have Konga kill Decker and Sandra, by injecting him with a massive overdose that turned him into a gigantic, building tall ape.  And guess who the ape goes after first?  That's right!  Margaret!  Smart Konga; getting rid of this bitch.

                                   Then the climactic scene in London by Big Ben.  A sweet chimp and ape destroyed needlessly by a ruthless bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Few remember Margaret, of "Konga," these days, but I am here to tell you that Margaret is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  Don't let that classy look fool you; she is a cold, scheming bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Future doctors be careful when hiring assistants.  Stick to lesbians or spinsters, in orthopedic shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Victoria,

    Margaret should have thought
    twice about what she did.
    I cannot watch this film
    because of the ending.
