Friday, December 27, 2019

We Are Back, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  A Christmas Miracle, of sorts!

                                  Since as long as I can remember, my mother had this set of angel chimes.  They were put out, every Christmas, with candles in place, but were never lit.  The idea was the flame stimulated the angels to turn, and the chimes picked up in sound.

                                    My sister took the set, and it had been put out at her house, where she lives, for over 40 years.  Still, we never saw it lit. This year, placing it atop the stove, fire extinguisher at hand, we lit the chimes, and they worked!  The first and only time I probably will ever see it!  It truly was a Christmas miracle.

                                      And speaking of miracles, our trip!  Oh, my God!  Getting from Brooklyn to Penn was no problem, nor was taking the Amtrak to Philly.  I have to say the Philly 30th Street Station is a lot cleaner than Penn.

                                        The scary part was the local Septa.  It took us to places I never dreamed existed, and I was afraid.  And it had its own special Wacko on board!  I am more comfortable in front of a Harry Winston store, than in the wilds pf Pennsylvania.

                                          We arrived, and had a marvelous time, receiving lots of wonderful gift. But then we watched this supposedly Christmas romcom from 2003--"Love, Actually!"--which I actually recalled, but never saw.  Oh, my God--boobies, boobies, boobies, simulated oral sex, and porn actors doing their job.  This was not PG, darlings, and we had a young child, there!  I was appalled.

                                             I kept crying silently, to get back to New York.  And we did, yesterday.

                                             Somehow, it was all worth it.  Another Christmas.  With the angel chimes!

                                               Hope yours was Merry, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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