Thursday, December 19, 2019

What Happened To Integrity???????????????????????????

                                 I don't know if you have heard the word, girls, but the new, redone "West Side Story," now in performances at the Broadway Theatre is not the musical we all know and love!  It has been condensed to one act, removing the song "I Feel Pretty," and,  most inexcusably, the best piece of choreography in the show--the "Somewhere Ballet."   Forget Jerome Robbins; there is going to be break dancing in this one.

                                 Don't ask me how the lyrics and references of the time will be overcome in the songs and dialogue.  I am not here to talk about that.

                                  I am here to talk about a collective winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award--the audiences who are eating this up, and turning it into a hit!

                                  Is this ignorance?  Apathy?  As John Adams sang in "1776," "Is anybody there?
Does anybody care?  Does anybody see what I see?"

                                   I see a lack of artistic integrity.  And, worse, an acceptance of it.

                                    The dumbing down of America, par excellence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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