Friday, January 17, 2020

Afterward, Where Else For Dinner But "Old Ebbitt Grill," Right Around The Corner From The Hotel???????????????

                              If there is a barre standard for steak houses, let me say that "Old Ebbitt Grill," in Washington, D.C., raises that barre higher.  This is not only high toned, but high end, a recreation of an historical period, to match the one outside, ripe with political historicity and scandal.

                              But I know what all you girls want to know--what was the food like?  Well, let me say this.  To quote my mantress, Scarlett O'Hara--"I've grown as big as Aunt Pitty!"

                               The menu was quite varied, and I needed to pull it up. to see what we all had that Saturday evening.

                                  David--Well, Appetizers were kind of shared by all.  David had some kind of Sally Bowles concoction drink, being a Bloody Mary, with an oyster in it.  How he drank it, and did not throw up, I will never know.  Jennifer ordered some rice balls, and we shared from that, and  all of us took some cheese from the cheese sampler we ordered.  As to the main course, David had the Bacon-Horseradish Glazed Meat Loaf, with whipped potatoes, Swiss chard, Cremini mushrooms, and a Bearnaise sauce.  As if this were not enough, he had, for dessert, a Butterscotch Blondie Sundae, which consisted of said Blondie, with Vanilla Ice Cream and Chocolate Sauce.  I was tempted to order this, but, oh my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Jennifer--She opted for something sensible. Her main course was the Grilled Cauliflower, which consisted of that, fire-roasted tomato relish, olives, capers, pine nuts, goat cheese, arugula, and aged balsamic dressing.  It sounds tempting. She went simple on the dessert--Apple Crisp, with Vanilla Ice Cream.  It looked scrumptious.

                                  Dan--His main course was the Cedar Rivers Farm Filet Mignon, which I was tempted to get. It came with Potato Pave, sautéed Broccolini, and a Bordelaise Sauce.  These sauces are a Southern standard.  For dessert, he had a Chocolate Chip Bread Pudding, with Vanilla Ice Cream, and Chocolate Sauce, which he was unable to finish.

                                  And, Finally, Yours Truly--Well, I did not think I could handle the steaks, so I ordered the Duroc Pork Chop.  It was one chop, but so thick I could barely cut it.  The effort was worth it, though.  It came with Jasper Hill Farm Cheese Grits, which I was just wild about--I could have eaten just that, and been fine--Braised Collard Greens, Caramelized Apples, all in a an Apple Mustard Glaze.  Oh, honey, what a meal!  And I had the Chocolate Chip Bread Pudding for dessert, too, but, unlike Dan, I finished mine, which is why I am now as big as Aunt Pitty.

                                     As a Plantation Princess, I have to say the service was superb.  It always is in the South, where the servants know their place, and how to treat one, and understand the elegance of gracious living.  Whereas in New York, some smart talkin', chewing gum waitress, simply throws the plate down in front of you, leaving as quick as she came, saying, "Here ya go, hon!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     Civility does have its rewards, you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      We simply LOVED this restaurant, and would go back there again!

                                       Be sure to check it out if you are in D.C.



  1. Yup I could easily make a meal of Cheese Grits!!!


  2. Victoria,
    If you go here, you must try them.
    I think they are on the ala carte
    side dish list, in case your choice
    does not come with them.

    Hope you are well!

  3. Thanks, The Daughter-in-law stayed with us for a week and it just about killed me.


  4. Victoria,
    Glad you survived. You know
    the saying about fish and guests!
