Friday, January 31, 2020

Can You Believe I Forgot Yesterday Was Thursday?????????????????????

                               Is my mind going?  I hope not, but the days keep blurring into one another, till I can't remember what day of the week it is.  Last night, David reminded me it was Thursday, meaning I forgot it was Bitch Of The Week Day, and that 'SVU' was on last night.  I made it to 'SVU", so, here, now, is Bitch Of The Week.

                                This has been a week for bitches. That Fotis Dulos and Michelle Troconis!!!!!!!!!!!  Trash skank whore, whose face shows life has been lived on drugs!  And that Dulos, taking the coward's out, in this instance, by suicide, still maintaining he did not kill his wife, Jennifer.  Like hell!  Now he is gone, but Michelle had better come clean.  She may not have done the deed, but I am certain she helped disposed of the body parts he dismembered.  Which is why Jennifer has not been found.

                                  Then there was this bitch I was going to pick--some Dad, out on Long Island, I think, who poisoned his son's Halloween candy, killing him for insurance money.  Why didn't this guy have a vasectomy???????????????

                                     But once I heard the story of Michael Valva, 40, and his drug addicted slut, Angela Pollina, 42, I knew I had found the perfect Bitches Of The Week.  This duo, who do live on Long Island, are guilty of abusing their eight-year-old son, Thomas, in various ways, but the most damaging was when they forced him, to spend the night in a cold garage, clad only in pajamas, with no blanket or pillow.  The eight-year-old, who had autism, died of hypothermia, and the body was found on January 17.  These two pieces of scum were arrested and charged, and if they do not get the death penalty, they certainly should get LWOP.

                                       The boy's biological mother, and Valva's ex-wife, Zubko-Valva, said she knew of the abuse, and made desperate efforts to regain the boy's custody, but the judges always deferred to Valva, who was an NYPD cop.  This spells a conspiracy of loyalty between cops and judges, and the mother is calling for an investigation into them and social services, who did nothing, and I agree.  Along with Valva and Pollina, they share honors as Bitches Of The Week.

                                       But these two child abusers have Hell waiting for them.  Though it is hot there, maybe Satan will have them freeze, to remind them of what little Thomas went through. I bet even the Prince of Darkness was appalled by these two.

                                         Then, after thawing out, maybe the will be roasted alive!

                                          Two pigs on a porker, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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