Friday, January 31, 2020

Farewell To January, Loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Can you believe we are already one twelfth through the year????????????

                                Our January was anything but slow.  On the go, the whole time--David's birthday celebrations, Dan and Jennifer, Lynda and Marilyn, seeing "The Office! A Musical Parody," as well as "Little Women," wherein I cried REAL tears darlings, staying at some elegant hotels--The Willard in D.C., The Madison, in Morristown, with the most pleasurable showers and elegant cream rinses!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Not to mention my successfully tackling "Anniversaries," by Uwe Johnson!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Celia Keenan-Bolger turned 42.  Joan Baez, earlier in the month, turned 79!

                                     This had to be the most action filled January I have experienced in ages!

                                      So, who knows what February holds?  Romance and a few chocolates, I hope!

                                      See you next month, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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