Thursday, January 30, 2020

Some Abandoned Amusement Park Photos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  You know how much I love such places, girls, so I came across these a few days ago, and thought I would share them with you.

                                     This is another shot of the abandoned "Wizard Of Oz" Theme Park, which, I believe, is somewhere in North Carolina.  How I would love to walk through it on a Spring or Summer day, or spend a night in there, to see Munchkins dance, witches fly, or Judy Garland's ghost singing "Over The Rainbow."  A dream come true.

                                       And the fact that these attractions have been abandoned for years, but have not been dismantled, tells me there is an interest of the type I mentioned above, out there!  Meaning people are doing it, even as I write!
This is some place call "Joyland," in Kansas.  The colors geot my attention.  I bet this ride was fun. Wouldn't it be great to sit in it, and walk about to see what else awaits one, there?
And here we have some kind of ersatz thing in Georgia.  Looks kind of haunting doesn't it?
Like a tornado is approaching.

Speaking of Georgia, why has no one created a "Gone With The Wind" Theme Park?  Where one could make Scarlett's walk from Atlanta to Tara, walk out in the garden at dawn, spouting "As God is my witness...." not to mention owning the biggest and most vulgar house in all of Atlanta?  Now, that would be sure to warm the cockles of a lot of plantation hearts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Including mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See how much fun these places can be?  Even more, when not in operation!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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