Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Biggest Event Of The 2010's--The Canonization Of Jacinta And Francisco Marto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      On May 13, 2017, the Centennial Anniversary of the Apparition Of The Virgin Mary, at Fatima, in Portugal, the two youngest visionaries-Jacinta Marto, the holiest child at Fatima, and her brother, Francisco. were canonized in sainthood.

                                        They are two of the youngest saints in existence.  Jacinta is the youngest saint to die without being a martyr, though she suffered greatly on earth, offering up her food to the poor, and her body to surgery without anaesthetic.

                                          Their older cousin, Lucia Dos Santos, was on February 13, 2017, deemed a Servant Of God, the first step toward canonization.  But because of their youthful innocence, and exceptional holiness, the Marto children made it to sainthood, before their cousin.

                                           What event could top this for the past decade?

                                             Happiness to them all!  And, girls, pray to Jacinta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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