Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Barbara Remington Defined Middle Earth For Me! And I Never Knew It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               This was the first set of the "Lord Of The Rings" trilogy that I owned.  Many my age did, but some were smarter than I; at least, those who still have theirs.

                                For me, this is what Middle Earth was supposed to look like.  I pictured it this way as I read it the first time, which is one reason why I never took to Peter Jackson's vision--even though I saw each and every movie.  Middle Earth was supposed to look like this, and never did.  So, I was never satisfied with Jackson's work.

                                  I am a purist, darlings, and, for me, this was Middle Earth!

                                  Barbara Remington, who created these images, died on January 23, at the age of 90.  What is interesting is that she said, when given the cover assignment, she had not read the books, she just designed from instinct.  Her instinct proved correct, and this edition, first issued in 1965, and which should be reissued again, is how many Baby Boomers, such as I, think of Middle Earth!

                                     If only the Jackson had been influenced by Remington!  He might have made a more exciting, visually stunning trilogy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And, yes, especially with the cover of 'Fellowhsip,' one can see a trace of MGM's depiction of Munchkinland, from "The Wizard Of Oz!"

                                     Rest In Peace, Barbara!  Your Middle Earth will always be mine!

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