Thursday, February 13, 2020

How Could A College Like Sarah Lawrence Get Such A Reputation???????????????????

                               When I was of college age, and wanted to go to Sarah Lawrence, it was still a girls' college. It was not until I was out of school it became co-ed, so, my option now would be to go back there for graduate work, which I am not sure I want to do.  With its liberal curriculum and lack of a grading system, Sarah Lawrence seemed perfect for all artsy, creative types, of which I was one. But, I had also had traditionalist roots deep within me, and knew I wanted a traditional college education.  Which I received at Seton Hall, graduating from there in 1977.

             I have been negligent in my bitches, of late, darlings, but who would have thought Sarah Lawrence College would supply me with a Bitch Of The Week?  His name is Larry Ray.  He is sixty years old, and has been living in his daughter's dorm house since 2010!  How? I would like to know! While there he has been harassing her friends and roommates, forcing them into prostitution and sex trafficking!  He has maintained an apartment on the Upper East Side for such purposes, and a house in Piscataway, New Jersey, near where I grew up, in Highland Park.  He forced girls to get up in the middle of the night, and do field work.  Even the workers at Tara were allowed to wait till sunrise!!!!!!!!!!!

               This is enough of a disgrace, but even more, is Piscataway is the location of Resurrection Cemetery, where my dear parents are buried!!!!!!!!!!!!  Lawdy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I would like to know what happened to this scum's daughter!  I hope she is safe.  As for Larry, I hope he gets life in prison, and the inmates there make him THEIR bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       What goes around, comes around, Larry dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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